Is your skin looking dull and old? 

Melanocytes are cells responible for creating Melanin the pigment in your skin, they aren’t all bad, infact we would be very aged and damaged without it.

The Melanocyte receive signals when the body deems it is being exposed to triggers such as UV sun damage. The Melanocytes increase the production of Melanin pigment responsible for protecting our DNA in the cell nucleus.

Did you know that 80% of our Ageing is environmental only 20% is due to our genes the rest is on us! So get that SPF on no matter what the weather.   

For every year we age our skin turnover slows down, turnover is how long it takes for the skin cells in your deepest skin layers to raise to the surface and then flake away. 

At 20 years old we would expect this to take around 20 days we look all fresh and glowy with bright young skin. How old are you? Lets say 40, now this process slows right down to 40 days for this to happen. However the process is so slow now that multiple layers of dead skin cells are building up at the surface this is what us look dull and old.

pHformula turns back time, speeding up our skin turnover back to our 20’s renewing for a youthful appearance and glowy skin.  

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