What is Microneedling?

Tiny needles are insterted into the skin creating microchannels, small wounds that start a controlled healing response. There are several forms of microneedling device such as stamps, roller and pen like motorised device. Why are Microneedling rollers bad? Microneedling rollers are not advised due to the action of the needle entering and leaving the skin

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Should I use a Cleanser?

Yes, you need a cleanser to remove bacteria, pathogens and the build up of Sebum or skin oils. What cleanser an influencer uses should have no bearing on your skin choices. There are a few points to look for when choosing a cleanser: Should I use an Exfoliating cleanser? Not if there is granular, scrubby

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Cell Health

Omega 3 and Fatty Acids Below is my client a PCOS sufferer after 5 days of following my guidance. Do you suffer from health conditions such as chronic pain, gut issues, skin issues such as acne, rosacea and similar (external reflections of what is going wrong inside), fertility problems, PCOS, menopausal symptoms, brain fog, chronic

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