Bolton Mole Screening

Mole Screening in Bolton by Consultant Dermatologists.

Bolton Mole Screening offers rapid digital analysis of your Mole and Lesions by a UK Consultant Dermatologist cutting out the need for a GP appointment.

Check your Moles and lesions are safe with our Mole Screening Service. This service can be used simply to check your Moles and lesions are healthy or for clients desiring medical approval before mole treatment.  

Electrologist Lou at Loud Skin Clinic specialises in blemish treatments with a proven track record in Cancer detection. 

Within 24-48 hours receive your detailed report, this may then be treated via myself, Advanced Electrologist and Skin Specialist if desired.    

Map my mole westhoughton mole checking
What if my Mole is concerning?

If our Consultant Dermatolgist reports the Mole or lesion is of concern they will request you see a GP or Dermatologist. A mole of concern will also trigger a callback to you to ensure you have read and understand the report  and that you know to see a GP/Dermatologist. 

Referral fast tracking to save GP trips

If your Mole sceenign report deems the need for further investigation inform your GP that you have a Mole Screening report from a Consultant Dermatologist, many GP’s will accept without the need for a GP appointment fast tracking to a Dermatologist.

Can Mole Screening diagnose Cancer?

This service uses remote assessments of moles and skin lesions by consultant dermatologists, using high-resolution images, but it cannot diagnose cancer and a formal diagnosis always requires a biopsy and histological assessment. 

Does the price include Mole removal?

No, any mole or lesion treatment is a separate service.

Screening is optional for clients wanting peace of mind that lesions are not of concern, you do not have to have lesion removal to use this service.   

Should you wish to have mole treatment you can choose screening first, keep in mind I check all moles with Dermatology magnification tools prior to treatment as standard. 

Bolton Mole Screening Mole mapping westhoughton

Mole Screening prices

1 lesion £75, 2 lesions £90, 3 lesions £99

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