Bolton Mole Screening

Bolton Mole Screening, Dermatologist Mole Screening in Westhoughton.

Bolton Mole Screening offers rapid digital analysis of your Mole and Lesions by UK Dermatologists Loud Skion Clinis already renowned for expert blemish treatments and track record in Cancer detection now offers this exclusive service. 

Within 24-48 hours receive your detailed report, this may then be treated via myself, Advanced Electrologist and Skin Specialist.     

bolton mole treatment westhoughton skin clinic
Reduction immediately after, will continue to flatten over the next few weeks

Mole Screening prices

Up to 3 lesions £99

Westhoughton Mole reduction treatment


Most clients experience minimal to no downtime however just a simple scab however  some discomfort and unnapealing appearance is natural and expected.

The sensation is similar to sunburn (possibility of swelling, redness, heat, sensitivity up to 48 hrs). 

There may be discomfort during treatment this varies between clients and mole location. Most clients find Mole treatment painless.

Numbing cream: Although it is possible to use topical anaesthetic most clients don't find it necessary. 

A safe and precise current from a hair like probe is tapped over the mole surface dessicating it and often turning it white. A dark scab will form and naturally fall. The Mole will continue to rduce as it heals.  


Electrolysis uses High frequency waves to stimulate the salts and water in the tissue to vibrate rapidly creating heat. 

There will be a scab on the area. Care must be taken to allow scabs to fall naturally the area should be kept clean and allowed to heal naturally. You may need more than one treatment. 

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