Buy Healing Crystals

Order form at the bottom of this page. Collection by arrangement from Westhoughton Clinic or via post

Crystal Specimens

Malachite and Azurite crystal raw specimen £25

Insight, vision, intuition, intellect, enlightened leadership, protection, a healed heart, creativity, confidence 

malachite and azurite raw crystal
Apothyllite crystal raw large specimen £50

Helps lift the veil on of the most powerful crystals to stimulate the third eye. Assists in seeing your life purpose. 

Vanadinite crystal raw specimen £31

Meditation, helps planning and goals. 

Spirit Amethyst raw crystal specimen £40
Clear Quartz Point £26
Amethyst Brazilian cluster crystal £24
Amethyst Brazilian crysta
Amethyst Geode crystal large £35
Amethyst Geode crystal
Quartz Window Crystal specimen
Fluorite British large raw specimen UV £25

Mental enhancement and clarity, decision making, clears energy fields

fluorite british raw
Fluorite British large raw specimen
Desert Rose large raw specimen £7
Seraphinite large polished slice £29
Faden Quartz £19

Healing the etheric body and auric field, catalyzing physical healing 

Golden Healer Spirit Qualrtz, Cactus Quartz £23
golden healer crystal raw 2
golden healer raw crystal 1
Larimar Polished Slice £30

Calming, cooling, soothes emotional body, goddess energiesm feminine power, enhanced communication

Larimar polished slice
Natural Pink Danburite crystal £25

Angelic communication, interdimensional travel, stress relief, vefry powerful crystal.

Natural Pink Danburite crystal 2
Danburite pink crystal specimen
Cavansite crystal £9

Clairvoyance, clairaudience, access to akashic records, conciousness expansion 

cavansite crystal raw
cavansite crystal raw 2
Ruby crystal raw £15

Health, abundance, assists decision making and mental wellness, health and drive. Aids menstrual cycle. 

ruby raw crystal 1
Raw Ruby crystal
Apache Tear raw crystal £8

Helps grieving

Selenite wand large raw x4 £12
Selenite raw wand

Polished Crystal Shapes

Labradorite polished pebble large orange flash crystal £13

Magic, protection, clairvoyance, astrakl travel,  past life recall, telepathy, astral travel

Quartz Inclusion Lens Large Window Crystal with rainbows £44
Quartz Large Window Crystal with rainbows
Quartz DT crystal with rainbows £13

Programmability, amplifies ones intentions

Quartz DT double terminated
Rhodonite polished £15
Citrine Tower polished £21
Ruby in Zoisite Tower polished £17
Fire and Ice quartz Tower polished £12
Pink quartz Tower polished £16
rose quartz tower
Fluorite hearts polished x3 £11
Fluorite hearts polished crystals
rose quartz tower
Lepidolite crystal healers massage wand £32

Emotional healing and balance, purificatio, serenity, relaxation

Onyx Raven £14

Self mastery, willpower, inner strength, discipline

Onyx Crystal Raven carving
Labrodorite Pendant star £16
Selenite bowl and selenite heart £12
Rose Quartz crystal heart polished £10
Rose Quartz crystal heart polished
Moonstone crystal heart polished £10

Intuition, mystery, self discovery, insight, dreams, the goddess 

Rainbow Moonstone polished Heart crystal
Crystal points £10

Raw Crystals

Aquamarine crystal £12 or £16

Third eye, helps communicate the highest truth, helps intuition, courage and clarity. Helps detach from old habits and forge  a clear way forward. A calming stone.

Aquamarine crystal
Orange Calcite raw crystal £8

Creativity, sexuality, confidence, innovation

Orange Calcite raw crysta
Peacock Ore crystal £3.50
Peacock ore raw crystal
Large rough black Tourmaline crystals x3 £15
Medium rough black Tourmaline crystals various £5
tourmaline medium rough
Himalayan Quartz oiled crystals large bag £25
Lemurian Seed Quartz Crystal Point £5

Connection to divine feminine, unification of te soul, access to knowledge and wisdom of Lemuria, programmed with  consciousness vibrations

Clear Quartz crystal points x2 £3

Vital part of Crystal Grids. Large example shown at back small at front, these are chosen at random so will differ to images shown, Large are heavier and chunkier many full of windows. 

Natural gold Astrophyllite £15

Helps connect with your real lifes purpose fabulous to meditate with. All Chakras.

Kyanite black raw blade £6

Helps connect with your real lifes purpose fabulous to meditate with. All Chakras. Psychic abilitiesm past life recall, telepathy, empathy

Emerald crystal raw £3
Apatite crystal raw £6

Helps creativity and to seek the truth. Good for Arthritis and healing. 

Veracruz Amethyst Crystal point £6
Tourmaline raw crystals x2 £4
Tourmaline raw crystal
Golden Healer point £4.50

Pure golden ray of spiritual light, self healing, heals body and expands consciousness 

Citrine points x2 £7

Abundance, money stone. Masnifestation, willpower, creativity, clarity 

Citrine point polished crystal

Tumble Stone Crystals

Astrophilite palm stone crystal
Astrophilite palm stone crystal £8
Strawberry Quartz tumblestone crystal £3
Picasso Jasper tumblestones
Picasso Jasper tumblestones £5
Prehnite tumbled stones
Prehnite tumbled stones x2 £3

Inner peace, union of the heart and the will, communication with nonphysical beings 

Epidote in Prehnite tumbled stones x2 £7

Release of negative energy, embrace positive patterns, attraction of what one eminates  

Almandine Garnets Gem Quality x3 £10

Strength, security, grounding 

K2 Jasper tumblestone £4

K2 Jasper

Dalmation Jasper tumble stone
Dalmation Jasper tumblestone £4
Red Tigers Eye tumble stone
Red Tigers Eye tumble stone x2 £4

Helps the reproductive system & emotional control

Lodestone magnetite tumble stone £3
Garden Quartz tumblestone crystal
Lodalite Shaman stone Garden Quartz £5
Mookaite tumbled stones x2 £5

Slows ageing process, helps identify your own beliefs, clears unhealthy patterns

Carnelian tumbled stones
Carnelian tumbled stones x2 £2.50

The feel good stone, aids helath and vitality, encourages study and inspiration. Courage, suxuality.

Sodalite tumblestones
Sodalite tumblestones x3 £5
Green Pietersite crystal £
Pietersite tumbled stones
Pietersite tumbled stones x3 £7
Rhyolite Green tumbled stone
Rhyolite Green tumbled stone £2
Tektite Meteor £2
Emerald tumble stone £5.50
Blue Lace Agate crystal tumble stones
Blue Lace Agate crystal tumble stones x2 £7
Zebra Jasper tumble stone crystal £4
Flower Stone tumble stone £3
Peruvian Nephrite Jade tumble stones
Tigers Eye tumble stones x2 £7
Dumortierite x2 £3

Divine inspiration, psychic ability, inner guidance, mental discipline 

pink kunzite tumbled crystal
Pink Kunzite tumble stone crystal x2 £12

Divine love, emotional healing, activates hearts knowing, opens the channel for all forms of love

Rose Calcite tumble stone £3

Wellbeing, empathy, wholeness 

Sardonyx tumblestone £2
Mixed Crystal chips bag £6
Preseli Bluestone tumble stone x2 £4.50
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