Advanced Cosmetic Procedures

Advanced Cosmetic Procedures

Westhoughton Advanced Cosmetic Procedures.  Advanced Electrolysis treatment of the following

  • Xanthelasma
  • Syringoma
  • Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra DPN
  • Sebaceous Hyperplasia
  • Syringoma
  • Poikiloderma
bolton Dermatosis papulosa nigra treatment manchester before and after
DPN Dermatosis papulosa Nigra treatment

Advanced Electrolysis Pricing

See individual pages for other blemishes and prices. Where there are many blemishes I will tend to price for the job based on the quantity and size involved. Price is per treatment, you may need more than 1 treatment.

Price includes small initial aftercare product, large aftercare are available to purchase and recommended for maximum results and fast healing £6.20

Advanced Cosmetic Procedure Blemish Removal

Please contact for further information or if you have many lesions for a quote. 

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra 15 mins £75, 30 mins £95

Dark growth on the face common on darker skins.

15 mins £75, 30 mins £95
Syringoma 15 mins £75, 30 mins £95

Small creamy bumps, often in clusters. Found under eyes and in oily areas such as forehead, face and body. Up to 25mm worth of blemishes.

15 mins £75, 30 mins £95
Sebaceous Hyperplasia 15 mins £75, 30 mins £95

Small often doughnut shaped bumps found on the face. Up to 1 inch in blemishes.

15 mins £75, 30 mins £95
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