RF Skin Tightening
RF Skin Tightening treatment in Bolton.
RF Skin Tightening treatment for loose saggy skin, lines, wrinkles, dark circles, puffiness and Cellulite.
- Eyes/dark circles/crows feet
- Double chins /sagging
- jowls
- Neck and décolletage/ crepey skin
- Inner /outer thighs
- Tummy/mum tum/post weight loss
- Buttocks
- Stubborn fatty tissue /cellulite
- Arms /bingo wings
- Ageing hands
- Any area that requires tightening or firming
Loose skin and Body tightening treatment
Radio frequency is the ultimate skin tightening technology.
Radio Frequency gives exceptional skin tightening results for those areas that can’t be targeted at the gym. Gentle waves of radio frequency are passed into the skin, creating comfortable heat in the lower layers. This heat kickstarts the skin functions which slow down with age, effectively making the skin behave as if it were younger. This leads to a tightening of elastin fibers, more collagen production which continues long after the treatment has ended and increased turnover of skin cells.
The introduction of simultaneous vacuum suction and LED technologies aids toxin drainage and microcirculation. This combination has a profound effect on the appearance of lines, wrinkles, loose, sagging skin and poor/ sluggish complexions.
How long does RF Skin Tightening last?
You will see and feel a change in skin texture from a single treatment.
However, we do recommend a course of 6‐10 treatments, ideally 7-10 days between treatments. Skin Tightening effects can last for up to a year, although maintenance treatments every 4‐6 weeks are advised to prolong results.
Radiofrequency Skin Tightening
- Painfree, no downtime
Skin Tightening options
1 area e.g. face & neck, upper arms, back of legs & thighs, stomach (Up to 30 mins treatment)
Avoid treatments or activities causing inflammation leading up to treatment.
Avoid exersise, swimming and heat treatments, such as steam, sauna, sunbeds for 24hrs.
24 hrs before (pHformula skincare is fine) avoid other brands active ingredients e.g retinol, salicylic.
Cosmetic injectables should be avoided for 2 weeks (minimum) prior to RF.
IPL/Laser in the treatment area should be avoided for 2 weeks/ ablative laser up to 8 weeks.
Avoid heat treatments, avoid hot baths/ saunas, stay out of sun.
Erythema (redness) should subside in over 24 hrs, in some cases people will experience skin warmth, mild sunburn sensation.
Makeup, minimise makeup and heavy moisturisers for 12-24 hrs.
Avoid over stimulating the area with tight fitting clothes post treatments.
Drink water to heal faster
Dermal fillers/Botox - 2 weeks
IPL/Laser- 2 weeks
Isotretinoin (e.g Roaccutaine) 6-12 mths post treatment
Laser resurfacing/ablative- 12 weeks
PDO threads - 6 months
Recent operations in treatment area- at least 12 weeks post surgery
Invasive peels- 12 weeks or skin barrier back to optimal health
Tattooing/cosmetic tattooing - 12 weeks
I recommend maintenance treatments every 4-6 weeks for optimal results. If you have a course without further treatments at around 12 months normal ageing and sagging resume.
Treatment will be most effective from the 20's-80's. Treatment promotes the production of Collagen, the more collagen and elastin we have the younger our skin appears with less premature ageing, lines and wrinkles.