Wart Removal Treatment
Wart Removal Treatment
Wart removal treatment for Verruca, Common Warts, Plane Warts and Filiform Warts found on face and body.
Westhoughton specialist in Advanced Blemish Removal. Licensed Advanced Electrolysis Clinic for highly effective Wart removal.
Effective Wart treatment
Wart treatment is very effective with success where other treatments have failed. Clients often come to me (travelling far and wide) after years of Cryotherapy Treatment (wart freezing) , medications and Wart solutions. Advanced Electrolysis kills deep into the wart for effective treatment my unique method and knowledge achieves outstanding outcomes.
Advanced Electrolysis uses heat to help kill the Wart, this is very safe. Some discomfort is to be expected, a low, safe current is applied to the wart using a hair like probe.

What is the downtime?
Keep the area clean after treatment, you will be provided with aftercare product and can purchase larger sizes to speed up the healing process.
Scab should be encouraged to form and fall naturally this may take 7-10 days. The area will continue to heal for 4-6 weeks so after the scab falls it will continue to improve.
The larger and more establised a wart is the more treatments you may require. Therefore, it is important to as soon as they appear for faster results. Warts are highly contagious so must be treated to prevent spreading to others.
The Herpes (Wart) Virus may stay in your body for life so it is possible other warts may appear over time. anywhere on the body as could happen with any method.

This skin treatment causes minimal to no downtime, care must be taken to allow the small scab to naturally fall.
This is a cosmetic treatment and is not offered via the NHS.

Wart and Verruca treatment prices
See individual pages for other blemishes and prices. Price includes initial aftercare product