Xanthelasma Treatment
Xanthelasma Treatment
Xanthelasma Treatment Bolton to reduce the appearance of creamy yellow fatty Cholesterol deposits under the skin. These benign lesions can become more raised and prominent, this can be a distressing condition for clients.
What is Xanthelasma? Often associated with high Cholesterol, genetics, and related to other medical conditions the fat builds up into plaques that become raised with time.
I offer a fantastic , affordable, non surgical solution.
This very safe and effective treatment uses a hair like probe to dessicate the plaque, a scab will form and the area will continue to flatten as it heals. I aim to flatten the plaque to the skin, yellowness under the skin level can remain but is often visibly reduced.
I treated my client (left image) recently, she felt minimal discomfort in treatment and numbing is optional, the area will then form a scab and care must be taken to avoid dislodging these.
1 plaque is treated at first procedure to assess your healing, if required multiple Xanthelasma can be treated on the same eye.

Xanthelasma Treatment Pricing
Price includes small initial aftercare product, large aftercare are available to purchase and recommended for maximum results and fast healing £6
Creamy coloured often raised areas often associated with high Cholesterol. More than 1 treatment may be required.
Up to 30 mins £110, 45 min £165, 60 min £190